Medallion Hunt


2024 Medallion Hunt Winner!

Erin Alexander Medallion 2024 Winner - Copy
The Medallion was found at Runkle Canyon Park (Simi Valley)

What is the Medallion Hunt you ask?
 A medallion with our logo is hidden in one of our Simi Valley or Oak Park property locations. Clues are offered starting April 1st to help narrow down the search as to which Simi Valley or Oak Park location the medallion might be at. When the medallion is located, post of photo of your find on Facebook, message us through Facebook, then finally bring it to the Rancho Santa Susana Community Center (5005 LA Ave, Simi Valley).

The medallion hunt was created to expose the community to new parks they may not have visited before.
We encourage fun,  outdoor activity, so grab your family members and get out there.
Good luck and happy hunting!  
*Only one person can claim the prize, must be a Simi Valley or Oak Park resident and must be at least 18 years of age. 

2024 Medallion Hunt Clues
Clue #1
Did you know there are various designs of the medallion? It’s anyone’s guess which one is hidden this year!
The medallion hunt was created to expose the community to new parks and facilities they may not have visited before.
We encourage fun, outdoor exploration and recreational activity… so grab a friend or family member and happy hunting!
Clue #2

A place you can enjoy a walk
Where children can play and others can talk
Find this place if you want a lark
The answer you seek is in this park.

Clue #3

Follow a solid path, winding and bending, where there is no spot for rest.
Look low, not high…in the shadows it lies, ready to come out from its disguise.

Clue #4
In a place of rolling beauty, it will lay
Waiting for you to claim it without delay
Use your compass, and don't get flustered, as it may lead you to this southern bluster.
Clue #5
Medallion Clue 5
Use this up close picture to help in your search today...
The medallion may be camouflaged but it's hidden in plain sight.
On an object long and winding, giving life to what surrounds it, both day and night.

Clue #6

A “wrinkle” in time, where rolling hills meets trails, where laughter echoes through the air and tranquility fills every neighborhood bend.
This park is known for its beautiful terrain and unbeatable views, a starting and end place for hikers and nature enthusiasts alike.
Can you guess which park I’m at?

2023 Medallion Hunt Winners O'Grady Family!
The Medallion was found at the Oak Canyon Community Park (Dog Park)

2023 Medallion Hunt Clues
RSRPD has so many so many green spaces near and far to enjoy.
It’s early in the hunt, so of course we’re being coy.”
CLUE #2 
Just a reminder there are various designs of the hidden medallion. Look high, look low...
It's in a tight spot, not much room to spare, where it's located, gets some care.
I'm in a place between mountains... lush and green.
Where you must make traction, so no machine.
And if the rain returns, you might need to bounce over nature's brook to finally get a breathtaking look. 
If your hunt to the win is suddenly cut short, just use the small bridge as a last resort.
RSRPD Facebook Page for details